Dear FTT Community,
I’m thrilled to share that Free to Thrive recently published the first-of-its-kind California Vacatur Practice Guide. This practice guide is intended to serve as a resource for attorneys representing survivors in vacatur petitions, prosecutors, judges, court staff, and survivors entitled to this relief. Despite the fact that California’s vacatur law went into effect in 2017, it is still relatively novel and often unknown by key stakeholders.
As many of you know, Free to Thrive began representing trafficking survivors in vacatur cases in 2017, shortly after California’s vacatur law (P.C. § 236.14) went into effect. We also served on the Justice for Survivors Coalition to expand the vacatur law in 2021 to include survivors of interpersonal and sexual violence (P.C. § 236.15).
In the seven years since we began doing this work, we have worked tirelessly on behalf of trafficking survivors who were criminalized as a direct result of their exploitation. We have worked alongside other organizations throughout the state doing this work. Several of those organizations contributed their insights to the practice guide including:
· Immigrant Legal Resource Center
· Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice
· Office of the San Diego Public Defender
· Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
· San Mateo Bar Association Private Defender Program
We are hopeful this practice guide will shed light on this area of the law and help more survivors access the justice they deserve.
With deepest gratitude,
Jamie Beck
You can help us spread the word by forwarding this practice guide to attorneys working with survivors, organizations serving survivors, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, court staff and anyone else you think would benefit from this information. Also, be sure to save a copy of the practice guide as a reference tool when you need it.
Earlier this year, iEmpathize brought the Intersect Response Platform to the health care industry in California. In dealing with possible exploitation cases, healthcare professionals are strategically positioned to address and identify trafficking situations and are often the first to encounter a potential victim or crime.
With over 14.7 million people employed in healthcare, the potential impact for exploitation prevention is undoubtable.
To engage this massive industry, iEmpathize has partnered with Cedars Sinai Hospital to produce a 24-minute video highlighting the unique ways healthcare professionals interact with exploitation Together they launched the ‘Health Cares’ campaign. ‘Health Cares’ aims to produce a human trafficking prevention program for the wide range of roles in the healthcare industry.
Cedars Sinai has graciously agreed to allow iEmpathize to use footage articulating red flags within the healthcare industry to build a training video for medical professionals.
Funding within the Health Cares Campaign will help iEmpathize complete filming, editing, and customized content for sub-departments within the health care industry such as nursing, doctors, intake, forensic nurses, emergency, etc. The development of the second module will focus on a comprehensive response protocol from each sub-department, interviewing people within the different spaces.
Learn more about the Health Cares Campaign at: Health Cares Campaign
ARC has trained over 300 anti-child-sex-trafficking activists and operators. So far at least 36 sex trafficking victims have been rescued by alumni of our courses. More than 7 NEW Anti-Child-Trafficking NGO’s (non-profits) are in the process of launching by alumni of ARC's course.
THIS COURSE will EQUIP YOU to actually get involved.
You will gain knowledge and skills to combat sex trafficking effectively in the areas of prevention, intervention, rescue, advocacy or direct services to victims/survivors.
ARC's equipping course is unlike any other Human Trafficking Course available. Our team handles the most advanced intelligence-gathering programs. Our operators are tuned into the street-level trafficking all the way to high-level corruption and elite sex buyers. Our services include the use of innovative, proven techniques and legal and ethical methods designed to identify the perpetrator(s) and their whereabouts in relation to the safe recovery of the victim.
BAZZEL BAZ: ARC Founder and President
TINA BAZ: ARC Human Trafficking Program Director
STRATEGIC PARTNER INSTRUCTORS: Specialists with backgrounds in CIA, Military Special Operations, Law Enforcement and other distinguished fields
Once you see the trailer, then be sure to go to the new website developed to support the film: SEXTORTIONFILM.COM
This movie started with the passion of the Million Kids family of supporters and came full circle with a release at the Santa Barbara Film Festival (March 2-12, 2022). The movie is a powerful message created by Stephen Peek and Maria Demeshkina Peek, Vice Presidents and Executive Producers from Auroris Media. This has been an incredible partnership of Auroris Media, Giving University, Homeland Security, Dept of Justice, ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) NCMEC, Amanda Todd Legacy Society, and Million Kids. Thank you for your financial support and your prayers as we undertake to get this film in front of every parent and young person in the U.S. and around the globe. Opal Singleton, President, Million Kids.
Florida State University has launched a new online Professional Certification in Human Trafficking Prevention and Intervention. This curriculum was developed as a joint project of the FSU Clearinghouse on Trauma & Resilience within the Institute for Family Violence Studies, the College of Social Work, the FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights and the Center on Academic and Professional Advancement. The curriculum enables professionals to develop the knowledge and skills needed to understand the dynamics of the different types of human trafficking. It also provides professionals with practical skills to increase awareness of and improve services and interventions for victims/survivors of trafficking.
This self-paced curriculum includes seven chapters and 12 hours of course content with research-based readings, case scenarios, multi-media materials, 11 new videos from experts in the field, assignments, and quizzes.
Learn more about the FSU's Professional Certification in Human Trafficking Prevention & Intervention
Check out recordings of the two Zoom breakout sessions held at the 2020 Rotary International Conference focusing on Education and Prevention of human trafficking. These are both great sessions focusing on learning more about the issue and how you can help.
RAGAS Education /Prevention - Bob Derring and Ashlie Bryant
For more information, please visit the RAGAS website here.
During the pandemic, our children are spending more and more time online, putting them at higher risk for interacting with predators. The San Diego Trafficking Prevention Collective is providing online training to teachers in order to continue their mission of bringing human trafficking education, prevention and awareness training into every public school in San Diego County.
To learn more, please click here.
Imagine waking up every morning to people you love and feel safe with.
Then, suddenly, strangers take you away and place you in a dull, unfamiliar place to share with other girls and some of them don’t even like you. You go from feeling like you have options to feeling like you have rules to follow or else suffer consequences.
Imagine the ways a child may have suffered, but then is referred to as “ungrateful”, or “angry”, which makes them lose trust with providers, and potentially return to their trafficker.
Justice is not served unless it’s through the eyes of the victim.
A trafficker is aware of these perspectives and situations surrounding care facilities and youth not feeling supported. Just like social workers have a role and police have a role, so do traffickers. They have strategic planning, research, undercover partners, and skills that make them the best fit for their job.
Traffickers know that kids still see them as a safe haven.
Now imagine being a youth who has finally gained the mental strength to see those “helpful” people who took you from everything you knew did so because what you knew was not healthy. You write a victim impact statement to help get your trafficker locked away just to find out that, according to the law, he is not even considered a violent offender (though you know full well he did multiple violent things to you.) What now?
There are so many aspects of surviving trafficking that many of us would not even consider. We are grateful to hear from those with lived experience to ensure we are becoming the best possible advocates. This is why we’re passionate about creating resources to help us better understand the perspectives of those we’re trying to serve. They’ve already been through so much and now they need people to champion them, not students.
Included in the course:
Rotary District 5180 has developed a project combating Human Trafficking to not only educate people in the area but to educate students as to what to look for so as not to fall into the grips of traffickers.